Sunday, June 21, 2009


This is really fun, I have played with this alittle bit more! Hope you like it!
Well I'm back again, I don't seem to get here very often! This week has been a good one, we finally got dry enough that they guys started combining wheat, and it is so neat to watch! I am always a little sad though becasue it is really " the harvest is over". I love seeing the wheat planted and grow and turn so golden, I always wonder what I have done with my life this last season and If I have grown, sounds funny but It is a real thing to see and compare myself with!!
Work has been busy becasue of days out of the office for out Therapist and alot of patients to get in. I find myself wishing my week away!! I told Gene that I was going to get into the mood to clean house sometime soon, seems like I only get what has to be done, but with Gene combining wheat this week I will have extra time to clean. We have out last YW meeting this Wednesday and 2 of out girls have finished their Personal Progress, should be a great night! Today the Stake pres. was here and showed us all the changes and where we will be going to church now. Most of us will be going to Carthage and a few to Pittsburg. I know there will be great blessings because Heavenly Father will make it better than the hurt that we feel having to leave what we worked so hard to build up.
Take care and I'll be back soon, and thanks for comments!!!!
Love ya so bunches-------Becky Leu

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Hell-o all, I have decided to connect to the world of blogging!
Today has been a bittersweet day, I love going to church and even gave a talk and it wasn't painful!! ha------BUT we were told that Lamar Branch has only 2 weeks to live. We will then be a part of the Carthage Ward. It seems really strange to say Ward, I have been a part of a Branch for the past 38 years! It may sound strange but it is a little scarry to think of being a part of a large Ward, we have been so small for so many years that I'm not sure how it will be to be where there are lots of Saints. I remember when we started the Lamar Branch and am the only one left that was there when Lamar was made a Branch, it is strange to see start to finish. I do hope at some time we may be strong enough to come back and I know Heavenly Father has to have great blessings for us because it is so hard thinking about leaving and I think he will balance that with blessings.
Well I am just figuring this out, so if you have any suggestions on what I should do let me know!
Bye for now-------